One Step – I Get Knocked Down


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Back in January I finally requested to be switched to daytime shifts at my retail job. I had worked closing shifts for the better part of four years and most of that on the weekends giving me an abnormal sleep schedule and no time for a normal social life for the majority of my mid-twenties. It just so happens that on that same day we were the victim of an armed robbery, a fact which may have expedited the request. My shift changed over within a week. Sleeping at night and being up with the Sun and interacting with people who aren’t stressed out from a full day of work or wasting away their lives on junk food and other vices was quite revitalizing. I felt better than I had in YEARS. Riding on this wave of good feelings into March I got calls for two interviews within a week. Things had never looked better. When one call came back having chosen someone else for the position I was mildly disappointed but I had already been offered the other job, so in the end things were still looking up. A new job with new challenges and prospects for growth lay before me with better hours and better pay. The only direction I could see was up.

Easter weekend is when things started to change. I was out of town at a friends house for food and gaming when my father called to say the family dog was going to be put down.(see Bittersweet Steps) Monday morning I got myself together and went to work with a slightly heavier heart, but still quite functional. After a convention visit that Tuesday I felt much more confident about the field I was entering. Friday afternoon is when the rug got pulled out from under me. The boss pulled me into her office just before three and said “This isn’t working out.” I was incredulous. I had quit a steady job of nearly five years for this position and poof… just like that. No warning, no performance review, just done. I tried to argue a case for keeping my job wherein she accused me of being angry. If you know me, you know that’s really not the case. I was a bit frustrated by the lack of clarity and instruction, but not angry. That’s when she said “I pay you to not be frustrated with me.” And that was it, I was done there. I calmly collected my things, handed over the project I was working on, turned in my final time sheet, and walked out with my head held high. Three steps out the door I was shaking with fury and holding back tears.

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The Path of Progress – Roadblocks


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I’ve been unemployed for over a month now, and for the first time in my life it’s not by choice. At this point I have exhausted my savings and I’m having to borrow and scrape to make ends meet. I’d say it’s about the most humbling experience of my life.

I find myself in a very uncomfortable position as I’ve never really honed the essential skills of job hunting. I’ve a tendency to be socially awkward around people I don’t share common ground with. This goes triply so for people I’ve never met face to face. Phone calls especially make me nervous to the point where I’ll avoid making them unless strictly necessary(and usually with a pre-planned script in my head) and I won’t answer my phone unless I know who is calling(sometimes even if I do). But enough about my mental hang-ups, it’s not Thursday yet.

Searching for a job right now is a bit of a crap shoot. I have two degrees that over qualify me for quite a lot of jobs, but I don’t have enough relevant experience in my field to secure a job in this area. I might be able to find a job somewhere else in the country but I’m not sure where to look and I don’t have anything saved up for moving expenses. It’s been suggested that I need to find a headhunter to aid me in my search. That begs the question, where does one find a headhunter? I suppose I could google it.

Another issue with my job search is that I’m not sure exactly what I’m looking for. I’m nearly 30 years old and still haven’t the foggiest idea of “what I want to do when I grow up.” I’ve never really felt a passion or calling toward anything in particular. Sure there are things that I like to do or that I have a modicum of skill at, but they aren’t the sort of things that can reliably keep a roof over one’s head.

Along with these stumbles I’ve also been having to deal with the UIA (Unemployment Insurance Agency). It took them all of a month to tell me that my claim was denied. I immediately filed protest with rent being due in a week and got denied again in 24 hours. Now the appeal process has begun and I have no idea how long it will take to get a decision of some sort.

So that’s some of the bleakness I’ve been facing of late. It’s no small wonder that depression went and reared its ugly head again. More on that tomorrow though. Hopefully next weeks PoP post will have a more positive spin to it. Until then!


The Road So Far – A Rocky Start


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This should have gone up yesterday but I had some family matters to deal with that kind of took up the whole day so you get it Today instead.

As I mentioned on Sunday, things have been a bit all over the place for a few weeks. My roommate finally got his bar results and had his signing in scheduled about five days later. This led to a hastily planned visit from his father which totally threw my schedule for a loop.

Memorial Day weekend was spent camping up North with my parents and my brother’s family. It was also my brother’s birthday. On a side note, all three of my brothers were born in May as were many cousins, nephews, nieces, and uncles.

This past weekend, my sister was in town from Texas. I hadn’t seen her in about two years since I went down for my oldest nephew’s graduation. Interestingly enough it was a graduation that brought her up to see us, one of my cousins to whom my sister is Godmother. With her in town a lot of other old familiar faces showed up as well and it was good to see some old friends. I also met my great niece (my oldest brother’s granddaughter) who is just adorable.

Amidst all of this I continue searching for employment, at least when I can muster up the will to do so. Some weeks I get in a good number of applications, others I get the bare minimum required to certify for unemployment. Which brings up another thing I’ve been struggling with. My claim determination finally came back a full month later and was denied on grounds which I looked into and can’t see how they can remotely justify. I immediately filed protest and was denied within 24 hours this time. Now I am appealing the decision having written a statement clearly outlining the sections they cited for denial and showing exactly why my denial was wrongfully determined. I really was hoping to have the first disbursement in time to pay rent this month but I guess that just wasn’t in the cards.

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Thrown Off the Trail



We interrupt your regularly scheduled silence for an actual update!

I apologize for the lack of posting after promising daily updates. Things got a bit topsy-turvy for a while with people coming into town and I really didn’t have any sort of schedule.

Starting tomorrow though I’ll be trying to jump back into the swing of things with a brief update on what’s transpired. Bare with me if I miss one or two updates during the week, I’ll try not to miss any Story Time posts though.

Story Time #1 – Off the Wall


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The following is the beginning of a short story or perhaps what you would find on the dust jacket. I hope you find it intriguing as I plan on returning to it at some point, maybe next week if something else doesn’t tickle my fancy first.


There is no way… Jeremy thinks as he stares at what stands in the center of the room.

A pinch, a slap, a splash of cold water. Nope, not dreaming. This is real.

But it’s impossible. Literally impossible.

“You… you can’t be here!” he screams.

“But isn’t this what you wanted?” says the woman standing dripping wet in the middle of the carpet brushing back a lock of her sun-bleached blonde hair.

“Wu… well yeah. But,” he stammers, nervously approaching her. “But, I never thought it would…”

She reaches a hand up to caress the side of his face leaving faint traces of sand and seawater upon it.


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On a New Path


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It’s been a depressing couple of weeks but it’s time for a fresh start. I am rededicating myself to this blog and taking it in a slightly new direction, namely more content more often. Starting tomorrow I am implementing a schedule of themed content six days a week. So, what can you expect to see?

Mondays – Life Blog

A more generalized update like what you are used to. Summarizing the goings on of my life, family, and relationships.

Tuesdays – Art Blog

I am an artist and I’m going to prove it. I’ve given myself a schedule of art tasks to get me back in the game and I’ll be filling you in on how those are going here. Also possibly musings on artists that I admire and recommendations for you to check out. There will be pictures. Lots of them.

Wednesdays – Career Blog/Something Different

My take on the job market and steps I am taking in my career.
My continuing quest to learn new things. This could be anything from a new language to new software to who even knows?

Thursdays – Health Blog

From diet and exercise efforts to mental health musings, I’m sure that I will have plenty to say here.

Fridays – Entertainment Blog

Movies, music, books, video games, board games, tabletop RPGs. My views and reviews on what’s had my attention this week.

Saturdays – Story Time

Time to get Creative with writing. I’ll be laying down ideas in various genres. Short stories, plot outlines, opening chapters, maybe a serial or two. I’ll be exploring my way around fiction and maybe having a conversation or reflection along with it.

So, is my schedule a little ambitious? You’re damn right it is, and it shouldn’t be any other way. You’ve got to jump in head first and break out of your comfort zone if you want to make a change. And so I welcome you along on this new journey.


Walking into the Unknown


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For reasons beyond my control, I was let go from my job today. I would say that it took me by complete surprise, but the signs were there from the beginning. All that I will say on it here is there are reasons behind sayings like “never mix business with pleasure.” And I guess I should have given more credence to the phrases “look before you leap,” and “don’t count your chickens before they’ve hatched.”
So I am back out on the job market having learned a thing or two from this experience.

Posting in the Wilds

Bittersweet Steps


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I received a call on Easter Sunday from my father. He had arrived home to find the family dog bleeding from the nose. My planned evening with friends was clearly cancelled and I rushed over to see my good friend and companion Tucker for the last time. At almost 15 years old and the biggest of his litter(nearly twice the size of a normal Bichon Frise) he certainly had his share of health issues. I took him for one final walk around the yard that evening and he was the happiest little dog I have ever seen. Grown men wept openly that day.
Loss is never easy. Knowing that it’s coming can help you prepare for it but the pain is still hard to bear, especially when the one you are loosing is family.
Several of my friends have also lost loved ones this week, a grandfather fighting Alzheimer’s, a father fighting pulmonary fibrosis. My sympathies and condolences go out to them.
In the wake of this and on a lighter note, a coworker of mine learned that she will be having a baby girl. And so, life goes on.

Posting in the Wilds

A Good Busy -or- Old Paths, Side Trips, and New Roads


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Well, I’ve been rather busy for a few weeks here between leaving a job I’ve been at for nearly five years and starting a new one and having a great time at a convention in between.

On the Jobs front, I finally got word back from Liquid Web for the Support Tech position stating they had chosen someone else over me who had more practice with Linux. No worries there though because I accepted the position with Hacks Key Shop where I am the “Digital Security Systems Admin.” Though that’s really just a fancy title meaning I’ll be wearing quite a lot of hats. It’s really hard to nail down exactly what I do as it’s a small business I’m working for under new management and expanding into new fields. So far I’ve been helping to migrate/integrate data with the new service management software, troubleshooting IT problems, some graphic design work for an advertisement, and familiarizing myself with the shop and the crew. As things go on I’ll be researching the latest in surveillance equipment and access control, attending classes and seminars, meeting with reps and vendors, and designing/recommending systems for clients. Regardless it beats the heck out of standing at a register and selling folks junk food, booze, lotto, and tobacco.

Last weekend while I was “Between Jobs” was the fourth annual Shuto Con, Lansing’s own Anime and Cosplay convention. I had as much of a blast as I could with only ten dollars in my pocket. The guests were awesome as usual and included Monica Rial from practically any anime you’ve ever seen including Panty and Stocking, Chris “Explosions” Rager aka Mr. Satan/Hercule aka Mister Torgue, and the always amazing Ian Sinclair who literally is Toriko and Space Dandy. I’ve got to start making time for Anime again. There were plenty of fun panels and shenanigans, a seriously upgraded gaming room, plenty of crafty goodness in Artist Alley and the Dealers’ Room, concerts that just blew me away, and holy cow the level of talent displayed by the cosplayers this year. Of course, hobnobbing with the guests and bands after hours in the green room is one of the nice benefits of knowing the right people. I also met up with a surprising number of friends this year whom I didn’t even know would be attending. For some it was their first convention experience and I couldn’t think of a better con for it.

Speaking of friends, on Wednesday I meet up with an old friend from high school for the first time in nearly a decade. We had a great time and wound up talking for some two and a half hours. She is just one of the sweetest people I know and I hope it wont be another ten years before we meet up again. Then on Saturday I met up with another good friend of mine and went out to a movie for the first time since last Spring. We saw Captain America: The Winter Soldier and it was damn good. Now I’m no aficionado of the Marvel universe like my friend is but, in my mind, they nailed it. Also, I apparently need to go back and watch Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. for the tie in material.

I’d say that wraps up the last few weeks well enough. I should be blogging a little more regularly now with my new, normal, human schedule. It’s really nice having an hour off for lunch and not having to stand for six to eight hours at a time.


Concerning “Friend Zones” and “Nice Guys”


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This one is going to be a bit different from my usual posts. There was a discussion on my friend’s Facebook page concerning the “Friend Zone” and I had to weigh in. What I wound up writing is practically an essay:

Okay so my perspective on the “friend zone” has been modified in recent history. I first heard about the “nice guy,” I do things for you, you owe me version a couple of years ago and I find it to be quite disgusting and immature, a symptom of the entitlement culture present in our society. Prior to that, the phrase friend zone meant something much different to me, and I’m sure there are plenty of others out there that think of it this way too and are thus confused by this newer, more skeevy definition. The newer”nice guy” friend zone does have its roots in the older definition though.

Originally, at least in my knowledge of it, the friend zone was a colloquialism for unrequited affection, a small personal hell where that which you seek is unobtainable. There are a few ways to wind up there. The one most related to the “nice guy” version involves a breakdown in communication or social awkwardness in an unfamiliar situation. This is when party A(could be a guy or a girl) does not make their romantic intentions known to party B in a timely manner.

Party A may be new to the whole relationship game and doesn’t want to come on too strong for fear of being seen as desperate. Perhaps it’s fear of rejection. Maybe one or the other is just coming off of another relationship and doesn’t want to rush things. Resulting from this shy approach party B has come to perceive the relationship as very close but platonic.

When party A finally builds the courage to ask about escalating to romance there are a few ways party B may respond. The friend zone lies down the paths wherein party B values this close friendship but is not attracted to party A in a romantic sense or party B is unsure and potentially blindsided by the proposed escalation. In either case there is rejection of the advance. It is party A’s reaction to rejection that gets us into the “Nice Guy” territory.

If party A can accept the rejection and can set aside their romantic inclination for the sake of a good friendship, that’s a wonderfully mature situation. That is not the “friend zone,” that is friendship. Sometimes it can be a bit awkward being around someone you are attracted to when the feeling isn’t mutual. Sticking it out through that strangeness and holding onto the hope that someday things might change even though it likely wont, that is the traditional “friend zone.” Some people just like to wallow in misery. Sometimes, though very rarely, it pays off. If the awkwardness is too much to bear, one party or other may have to end the relationship. It’s sad, but it happens. Loss is a part of life.

The “Nice Guy” friend zone stems from party A not wanting to accept the rejection, be it due to immaturity, inexperience, a sense of entitlement, or some other skewed perspective. There are some situations, clearly not all, where this is sparked from party B feeling misled or betrayed by the advance and reacting as such. Party A is hurt by this reaction and gets super defensive, not wanting to believe that they could have done anything wrong. It is the fault of the other for not seeing party A’s intentions for what they were from the start. The deception or miscommunication on either side may have been intentional or unintentional but the result is fairly consistently the breakdown of a uneven relationship.

There is another situation to consider as a facet of the friend zone. Party A and party B are friends first, neither having romantic intent. Over time, the relationship gets stronger as the two get to know each other better. Party A realizes that they are attracted to party B as more than just friends. This can lead to the escalation cycle as described above and is actually how a lot of good relationships start. It can also lead to a self imposed “friend zone limbo” in which party A never asks party B, often for fear of losing a relationship that they hold quite dear. Maybe party B feels the same way. Never asking is never knowing.

It is the “friends first” situation that “nice guys” attempt to fabricate and manipulate but fail at because their intentions are impure, a deception from the start. They feel that their “good” actions and favors have earned them some reciprocation from the other party. Treating relationships as a game or a commercial exchange of goods is dehumanizing and wrong.

There is an idea out there that the traditional unrequited friend zone is a permanent relationship status. Once you are in the zone there is no way out. I believe that while the majority of cases wind up this way it is not an absolute. All relationships change over time, for the better or the worse. People grow, attractions change, we lie to ourselves as often as we lie to others.

We’ve seen this one played out hundreds if not thousands of times in literature and film. The will they, wont they of the romantic comedy or sitcom that draws us in. Those are of course idealized versions where right and wrong decisions paired up with dumb luck usually put the players together in the end. Sometimes it happens that way in the real world. Sometimes it’s cleaner and often it’s a lot messier.

Next time you hear someone mention the “friend zone” keep in mind that it’s an older and more varied phrase than you may have thought. At its core is the essence of relationships: communication. Words hold a lot of power and they can be misused and misinterpreted. The same goes for intentions. I hope at least one person out there gains some new perspective and insight from this.

TL;DR Language evolves. Words don’t mean what they used to. People are complicated. “Nice Guys” suck.